Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day at Grad School

I found that the grad education system in the US is quite different from that of Nepal. I took two classes- Introduction to Second Language Studies (600) and Sociolinguistics and Second Languages (660)- yesterday; the teachers gave me the syllabus. Quite surprisingly to me, all the course material is based on online resources. For a student from a developing country like Nepal, use of online resources to that extent might be quite challenging in the beginning. I feel like I am overwhelmed with the academic load of research papers, presentation, etc. But at the same time I am confident that I can work hard and I know most of the technical jargons used in the field of SLS. For classroom English? Oh, I have to raise my ears direct up to listen to the professors- full attention psychologicall and physically. But I understood the English.

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